header abstracts pages Rita 2024


Welcome to the abstracts registration page.
In the following form you will first find the option to choose the form of presentation of your abstract (oral or poster) and that will enable the topics you will be able to present. The topics to be included this year are the following:

1) Pathogenesis
2) Epidemiology and surveillance
3) Human rabies and prophylaxis
4) Diagnostics
5) Vaccines and antivirals
6) Bat rabies
7) Wildlife rabies
8) Canine rabies
9) Domestic animal rabies
10) Rabies Control
11) Other

    Last Name (required)


    First Name (required)


    Email (required)

    Select Presentation Type (required)


    Choose topic (required)

    Choose topic (required)


    Your Country (required)


    Filiations (required)


    Title (required)


    Authors (required)


    Abstract (required. Please no more than 300 words)


    Please copy the text from the top box to the bottom box
